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Burger bun slicer with two blades

Splitter-B2 is an advanced horizontal slicer for burger buns containing two band blade units. The system enables programmable presets for single or dual cut buns and the cutting height can be saved in the preset as well. The blade units and the overhead conveyors are automatically adjusted to their position according to the preset selected. Products are driven through the device in two rows. With constant product flow it can achieve up to 14 000 unit/hour capacity. Post-processing and packaging after the Splitter-B2 are easy when bread is split precisely and halves are accurately overlapping.

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Horizontal slicer with band blade for whole cut

Mainly designed for burger buns

Product fed to slicer in two rows

Cutting capacity of up to 14 000 units per hour

Easily programmable presets

Two blade units enable two level slicing